Thursday, January 27, 2011


Remember that personal trainer I told you about?  Well, I signed up with her.  And the next time I'm at the gym I'll be un-signing with her.  Last Thursday she had me do 120 calf raises with 30 kilos on the resistance.  I hadn't worked my calves in years.  Woman is a complete idiot.  Hell, I'm a complete idiot!  60 reps in you'd think I would scream and tell her it hurt too much - but I didn't.  Because I want to look like this:

No really though, this is my dream body.
Friday morning I felt a bit of soreness, but I jumped on the plane to Bangkok anyway.  By Saturday I was traipsing around Thailand with my fabulous friends, feeling some hard pain and walking like a silly person, but I dealt with it.  By Sunday morning I was nauseous my calves hurt so bad, and I couldn't put my feet flat on the ground.  No joke, I looked like a raptor...especially when I made my arms super short and did a crazy dinosaur face.
Monday I went to the doctor.  Long story short, I have Rhabdomyolysis, but my kidneys are fine.  Today I did a 1-hour ultrasound Doppler study to rule out deep vein thrombosis, which I don't have.  And did I mention that I'm not allowed to work all week?  I've been sitting on my couch watching old episodes of CSI and NCIS.  BORING.  I haven't been this bored in ages.  Throw in the inability to walk and you've got hell in your own house.  No joke.

Moral of the story?  Check your personal trainer's credentials before you let them severely hurt you.

So after three weeks of nothing but Mexican food in Houston, I gained about 4 pounds.  Not too terrible, considering I hadn't worked out more than once.  But now I've put on another 2 pounds and I'm actually scared of my scale.  I refuse to step on it for at least another week.  No way in hell.  As soon as I can walk again I'll start cooking, and the doc says swimming is my best exercise option for now.  Good thing I live in Asia - the land of hot.  But I'm feeling fat and sassy, and the cheesecake they sell downstairs is calling my name.  I won't do it, but I'll tell you how badly I'm craving it.  BADLY.

How about a new recipe or three?

1 comment:

  1. i love jessica biel! she's my motivation too!
    you're hilarious altho your situation is not. oh my goodness. feel better and know that you had me shooting snot out my nose when you said raptor.
