Sunday, January 30, 2011

Things are a-Changin'

I realize it was quite a hiatus I took for home leave and muscle breakage, so plenty has gone missing in the blog world.  For starters, the Weight Watchers Points system changed.  And when I say "changed", I mean it got a severe makeover.
If you keep up with Weight Watchers blogs, the entire ordeal has already been covered in great detail.  I won't bore you with specifics.  Basically, we've moved into the Points Plus scheme (which is why you'll notice my new posts include the Points+ values).  I'm not one of those overachievers who goes back through all of her old posts and recalculates points+ values.  Whatever - call me lazy.  And I'm also not one of those crazy bloggers who calculates both new points and old points in all of her new posts.
However...if you see an old post, and desperately want to know the new points+ value, comment on that particular recipe.  As soon as I get your comment, I will revise that particular post for points+.  Deal?

Whew!  It's sorted.

And since we're already on the topic, how do we all feel about this points+ crap?  I mean REALLY?!  I'm supposed to eat 29 points every single day?  I've got my meals planned for tomorrow, and I'm sitting at 21 with no clue how I'm going to keep eating.  I would just drink a 7 point glass of wine, but the whole "your muscles have also damaged your liver enzymes and you should avoid alcohol like the plague" thing puts a bit of a damper on that.  What the hell is a girl supposed to eat for 7 points when she's trying to lose weight???

I'm still scared of my scale, but I'll be stepping on it Tuesday morning.  Shit, this is going to suck.  I can tell you right now that my stomach has taken a turn for the worse, and I'm betting a good 7 pounds have been added to my midsection over the past two months.  Way to go, Sarah, way to go...
So I guess we'll just start all over with me trying to reach a goal and you inspiring and motivating along the way.  Tuesday morning I'll take a self-portrait standing in front of a full-length mirror in nothing but my Smugglette.  Then you can see what I'm talking about.
Till then, go eat some green beans!

1 comment:

  1. oh you tease!

    i'm clueless on the point system. i might take a gander to see what you deal with every day.
