Monday, February 7, 2011

Chinese New Year - Sri Lanka Style

This past weekend was the Chinese New Year celebration, so Thursday and Friday were public holidays here in the Sling.  I took off to Sri Lanka for the long weekend with 5 friends (Kelly, Kristen, Alison, Kat and Chris) and we had an amazing time!

We landed around 2am on Thursday morning (after flying BUSINESS!) and hopped in a van - ahem, the rattiest stinkin' van to exist with only three real seats in the back and no a/c - to our hotel in Colombo to catch some z's before our 7:30am (much nicer) van pickup.  The first stop after Colombo (there's not much to see there other than weird - but way cool - hotels with private butlers who constantly ask to give you head massages, though you know the only person he wants to touch is Kristen) was the Pinawala Elephant Orphanage.  Baby elephants are the cutest freaking thing you ever saw.  Although I will say that when Kelly showed me the picture of the blind grandfather elephant with a hard on (I was off in wonderland and missed it) I nearly had a heart attack and got a whole new meaning of the word "elephantiasis".  Jesus I never want to see that again. After purchasing some paper products made from elephant dung, we were off to Kandy.

In Kandy we saw a pretty sweet cultural dance show, complete with men walking on hot coals just after rubbing fire all over their entire bodies (mouths included).  At this point we're basically one full day into the trip and already Kelly and I just want some western food - cheese and tomato sandwiches with french fries for dinner!

From Kandy we left for Unawatuna, stayed on the beach, and had a fabulous time.  Can't really complain - the views were spectacular, the people friendly and smiling, the food came out hot and the beers came out cold.  I've had just about enough rice and curry to last me a long time, to say the least.  It's the food of Sri Lanka and they are damn proud of it!  My goal is to replicate the curry we had at The Lucky Tuna restaurant on Unawatuna Beach.  It had quite a bit of coconut milk, but there was a sort of sweet and spicy zing to it - I kept tasting nutmeg.  So weird.  Be on the lookout for future attempted rice and curry blog posts (whether it's a success is a totally different story).
View of the ocean from Lucky Tuna Restaurant - Unawatuna, Sri Lanka

Ali and Kristen, enjoying some Coronas on the beach.
We took a day trip to Galle Fort as well, did quite a bit of shopping, ate...wait for it...rice and curry, drank some Sri Lankan tea, and watched the sunset.

Good times had by all!

And now, only because I promised...the results from last Tuesday's weigh-in.  Ugh, I just want to cry.  How much weight has Sarah gained?  Do I really have to say it?  135.5.  Dear God ONE THIRTY FIVE POINT FIVE!  It wasn't very long ago I was hanging out at 130 and feeling wonderful!  Now I just feel fat and sassy.
So, I've got some new rules and some new challenges:
  1. Change weigh-in day to Friday for a pick-me-up, and so that I can use all of my extra points from the start and be a good girl for the rest of the week!
  2. Start measuring inches lost in addition to pounds, every other week or so.
  3. Remove all junk food from house!  NOW.
  4. Post Smugglette pictures every other week or so, when measuring, so that all of you readers can keep up with my progress.  If putting pictures of myself in a bikini for all the world to see isn't motivation, I don't know what is!
  5. No clothing purchases until goal has been achieved.  This is going to be the hardest part.  I am a shopping fanatic!
First round of Smugglettes:

So when am I supposed to reach this goal?  Giving myself plenty of time for ups and downs, I'm setting my 27th birthday, May 14, as goal day.  Bring it!

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