Monday, November 22, 2010

Not as strong as I thought...

Last week I got a call from my gym - they're offering a few free personal training sessions to existing members.  The last time I tried training at True Fitness, I wasn't impressed.  Peggy, my trainer in Houston, was amazing!  She kicked my butt into shape and really strengthened my core.  So when I said I'd do another trial round of training this week, I was skeptical, to say the least.

Apparently I was wrong!  Juliana, the woman who trained me tonight, really knows her stuff.  And she definitely kicked my ass!  I had no idea just how weak I am.  You'd think that a girl who spins, lifts weights, and is in overall good health wouldn't actually lack muscle.  But I do.  Turns out muscle mass burns more fat, and if I want that toned body, weights need to be more of a part of my weekly routine.

Not gonna lie, I doubt I'll walk like a normal person tomorrow.  It's highly doubtful.  I might have some strange kind of hobble, actually.  If I had a video camera that I could strap to my body in a way that I could video my walking abilities, I would - simply for your entertainment.  Alas, a camera I do not have, and you will be suffering with your own imagination.

So what's the verdict?  I scheduled another training session for Sunday.  If I like it then, she's going to show me the "damage" (what I like to call the ridiculous amount of money they charge people like me to have their asses kicked), and I'll make a decision from there.  If I do decide to start the training, we'll do some before and after pictures of Sarah in a bikini (and of course some progress pics along the way).  Aww, hell - even if I don't sign up we'll do progress pictures.  Screw it.

Not to mention my friend Kelly got me started on Pilates.  It's going to break her heart if I choose training over Pilates...I guess we'll find out next week.  I've got another trial Pilates class on Saturday morning.  If I was rich I'd just do both!

What do you think?  Pilates or Personal Training?


  1. I had groupons to both for a little while last Spring... I really liked the pilates better, but it requires a continued class with access to the machines and an instructor. The thing I loved about going to a personal trainer was that after a few sessions, I had all kinds of new exercises in my arsenal to do on my own time... for free :)

  2. I completely agree! I signed up for 24 sessions of personal training, and am checking out the free mat-Pilates class on Sunday :) Miss you girl!
