Thursday, April 1, 2010


I'm heading to the airport in literally half an hour, but I wanted to squeeze in a quick blog before leaving ... for BALI!  Yes, I will throw that in your face at every single opportunity.

So...while I'm in BALI this weekend, I won't have an easy time counting points.  But I do know the points value of certain foods, and I do know when I'm eating a fruit or veggie.  Sarah's plan this weekend - find fruits and veggies, listen to my stomach, and don't overdo the booze (the third one will be tough).

But, the real reason for this blog post is Smugglettes.  We ordered them today, and I'm totally freaked out!  I've never tried Aussie sizes before, and the online conversion says I'm a 10.  Royales with Cheese size 10 here we go!  Keep your fingers crossed that when the time does come (check the bottom of my blog for a countdown!) my skinny ass is going to fit perfectly into those budgy smugglers!  ...I think I can I think I can!

Whew!  And off we go! BALI!

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